My Sunshine Award

I received the Sunshine Award four times this week and, being so new to the blogging community, this means a lot to me.  It is now my duty to pass it on and, whilst this may be sent to previous recipients I shall explain my reasons for offering the award. 

Before I do that, there are some rules to follow:

  • Put the Logo on your sidebar, or within a post (or on a special page like I have) 
  • Pass the award on to the Bloggers you deem worthy of it 
  • Link the nominees within your post. 
  • Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog. 
  • Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

First of all, I'd like to reciprocate the award to the four people who thought I was worthy of it

Catherine at Baby Genie (@baby_genie)
Paula at Battling On (@peabee72
(yes, I'm sure you know that link by now - it's like a weekly advert, isn't it? *yawn*)

Secondly, the following people deserve this award for brightening up my online life over the past few weeks

Manda at Flying Start Magazine for being almost related to me (that was a close one, I'm telling you) (@FlyingStartMag)
Cosmic Girlie at Mocha Beanie Mummy for blogs and tweets that say it as it is! No sugar-coating (@cosmicgirlie)
Eileen who sits there on Twitter keeping me amused (I have no idea if she has a blog or not) (@eileenhaveron)
Ade from Blog Ibiza who writes about one of the most beautiful places on this planet (@blogibiza)
Dawn at The Moiderer for being just lovely (and I'm convinced she's got a new banner but she swears blind she hasn't) (@The_Moiderer)
Joise from Sleep Is For The Weak for the effort that she puts in with the Writing Workshops and for helping me with some HTML code this week (@porridgebrain)
Erica at Little Mummy for creating THE best Beginner Bloggers course EVER - see her website for more details and to sign up (@Erica)

and finally I have one award left.  That is for a very special person.  
If you're reading this blog post, whether you've stumbled across it or if read here regularly, and you haven't received one of these awards already, then this award is for you.  Blogging is only successful if you have readers, comments and feedback and that's not possible without people like you.  It's corny but it's true.

To make it easy for you, I have created the code for the award for you to copy & paste directly into a blog post - see below: