Blognonymous : Love or Career - WWYD?

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I've been dating my boyfriend for nearly a year and during this time I’ve fallen head over heels for him. He means the world to me and ticks so many boxes.  I want to marry him and have loads of babies, he's just perfect for me. He is kind, handsome, resourceful, loving and strong.

He is also a father to two children, one of which is ten years younger than me (he had his first child when he was 18). My issue isn’t with the fact he already has children, although I would have liked our children to have been both of our firsts, it’s more about what it will mean for our futures.

I moved across the world for work and to progress my career. I would love to marry this man and start a family with him but my job may mean moving to a larger state many miles away. It could also mean another move to a whole new country. I can’t expect him to move away from his children. He is a good father and plays an active part in both of his kids’ lives.

Do I make a go at it with him even though I know it may mean curtailing my career progression? Do I try to find something that will keep me local? If you were me, knowing that you are with a man whose very name makes you swoon with butterflies, would you keep with it or leave well alone and not let it get past dating?