Soundtrack To My Life - Kelly

It's a pleasure to welcome Kelly and her Soundtrack To My Life onto the blog today.  Kelly writes a blog called The Domestic Goddesque and explains that "some days there is finesse, calm and perfect baking and others there is chaos, shouting and a Gregg's sausage roll for supper."  Sounds like the perfect balance to me.  You can find more about Kelly at the bottom of the post but, for now, it's time to listen to her tunes and read why she has chosen them.


Green Day - Good Riddance 

It's a strange memory to have but this is a song that binds my mum, brother and I together in misery! Shortly after Dad left we had a particularly bad day. We were on the long drive home, it was snowing, we were all crying, and this song played over and over. Suddenly all the misery made one of us giggle, and a few minutes later we were all howling with laughter. I'll never forget that moment.


The Drifters - Save the Last Dance for Me 

The song my husband and I practiced for months to be able to dance to on our wedding day. I cannot tell you how much I love him. We talk about our wedding day often, and he paid me the biggest compliment of my life when he woke on the morning of our first anniversary and said he wished we were doing it all again.


The La's - There She Goes 

Someone I have never met once told me this song reminds them of me. Everyone needs a moment like that in their life.


Fauré - Cantique de Jean Racine 

We used to sing this in the choir at school and I love it so much. It's haunting and beautiful and always makes me emotional. It reminds me that I need to sing. I sing a lot around the house, to the children and in the car. I'm nothing special, but I love singing. i suspect if I found a choir that I could sing with, and give myself a little 'me' time, I'd feel better about myself and the issues I currently have.


Abba - Dancing Queen 

My best school friends and I performed this at the Inter-House Karaoke Competition (that'll be private school for you) complete with costume and dance routine. Obviously this is a classic song that would get anyone dancing, but this reminds me of the heady days of Sixth Form when you were a big fish in a little pond, completely confident in your abilities, in your future and in your plans to grab grown-up-hood with both hands and live every second.


You can find Kelly attempting the life of the perfect 1950's housewife on her blog - The Domestic Goddesque.  She is also on Twitter as @domesticgoddesq and has her own Facebook page too.

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