Soundtrack To My Life - Cathy

soundtrack to my life
I first 'met' Cathy in a Google Hangout last year.  It was my first HOA and I was a bit nervous.  Cathy's online persona is 'Wandering Sheila' which derives from the fact that she is from the land of Oz and has found herself in the UK after travelling through Italy.  She says that her name also comes from the fact that she loves to discover new places.  I'll link to Cathy's particulars at the end of the post.  Here are her song choices...


My sister introduced me to Muse and this would still have to be one of my favourite songs of theirs.

Anu is an Australian singer. She didn't write this song. It was written by Neil Murray and first recorded in 1987. It makes me think of my home country, Australia (and if I am truly honest, a touch homesick).

Having lived in Italy for over 7 years in total, I have gained an appreciation of foreign music. I found this song when I was looking at Zero Assoluto songs in general on youtube. Occasionally you come across songs in two languages. This one features Nelly Furtado singing part of the song in English. 'Appena prima di partire' means just before you leave.

I love the fact that English radio stations play some songs that date back many years. This took me back in time when I was living in Australia and listening to Rage on Saturday mornings.

I love listening to this song on a sunny day. We've had a fairly bad summer here in England, but there have been a few days where sunshine has been present and I've listened to this song.


soundtrack to my life
You can find Cathy talking about her life away from Down Under over at her blog, Wandering Sheila.  Catch up with her on Twitter as @cathylpowell or on her Facebook page.  

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