Soundtrack To My Life - Jean

soundtrack to my life
We're ploughing on to another Soundtrack To My Life and this week we have Jean sharing her musical choices.  I've met Jean on a couple of occasions when we have been involved in blogging projects (we are both Northern bloggers - YAY!).  She is a fantastic single parent to two girls and (in her own words) is a soppy dog owner.  All Jean's links are at the end of the post but, for now, here are her tunes.


David Bowie - Let's Dance 

I had to include one song by my favourite singer, and although it's not my favourite Bowie track (which is probably Drive-In Saturday) this one reminds me of my first serious boyfriend. It was a song we both loved and we'd have it on loud in the car driving to North Wales for the weekend. Great song, great first love.

Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights 

The first time I heard this song on the radio I was mesmerised - I'd never heard anything like it before, and then when she performed it on Top of the Pops I thought she was so different. I've loved Kate Bush ever since and her Hounds of Love album is a work of genius.

George Michael ft Muyta - This Is Not Real Love 

This is such a fantastic song and the vocals (particularly George's) are sublime. He's a really good singer and conveys such emotion in this song which is about the end of a relationship.

Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You 

This is from the album 'Justified' which I bought just before we went on our first holiday to Wales as a single parent family. We had this CD on in the car for what seemed like the whole holiday, and now every year since then we've continued to take it with us, and we still love it.

Alicia Keys - Lesson Learned 

Fantastic song from the As I Am CD and it features another of my favourite artists, John Mayer. There's no particular reason for including this one, other than I love the song and the message in the lyrics.


soundtrack to my life
Jean can be found blogging at Not Supermum.  She's also on Twitter as @notsupermum and her as a Facebook page with the same name.  That makes it easy for us all to remember, doesn't it?

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