More Camera Work
So, I'm still working with my new camera, getting used to some settings and trying out ideas that I've had in my head for a while. It's really the wrong time of the year to be out and about and working full time makes unusual every-day shots limited but I snapped my first lunar image early one morning last week. It's not great and a tripod has been recommended but I was testing the capabilities of the camera and if it can do this then I know that I can work to make it even better.

After I posted the images of some memorial stones in Park Cemetery in St Annes I received an email from a reader and I was offered a camera case to review. The Nikon Coolpix L120 case I was sent was one made by Samsonite - is a middle range price and, as you'd expect from Samsonite, really good quality. As you can see from the snapshots here it is an ideal Nikon Coolpix case with a little pocket on the front, internal pockets for memory cards and the camera is a really snug fit. The case is well padded so any slight knocks or bumps and the camera will be fully protected (as an aside, do you photographers have a strap on your camera or not? I'm finding mine gets in the way sometimes.). Click the links to find out current pricing, stock and delivery information.
And here are some gratuitous new puppy pictures. Meet "Yoshi", our 8 week old Japanese Akita.
I expect a communal "aahhhhhhh"...
Click them to view large in the lightbox feature.
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