Soundtrack To My Life - Alyssia
I feel SO old when I hear some of the stories behind Alyssia's Soundtrack To My Life but I also love how different the genres are for her song choices. Alyssia is studying Film and Television at University and as well as chronicling her life on her blog she's also really into nails, nail polish and nail design. A woman after my own heart! Links are at the end of the post but for now, it's over to Alyssia...
Busted - Year 3000
This song reminds me of being in Primary school. When I was in my later years (5 + 6) the school came up with something to reward us for good behavior. It was called 'Golden Time' it lasted for the final hour of the day on every Friday. And if you misbehaved during the week you got time knocked off of 'Golden Time' of course I was a goody goody and always got my full hour. Anyway, during this time we could basically play and do whatever. What me and my friends liked to do was go into the hall and play music and have a sort of mini-disco. Busted had just became popular and Year 3000 was our favourite song. We used to do 'Busted Jumps' of off the stairs... how tragic.Lionel Richie - Endless Love
This song reminds me of singing karaoke horrifically with my dad on holiday in Greece. YIKES! In fact that year was the worst holiday we had ever had because the hotel was horrific, but we managed to make the best of it and did the karaoke every night it was on!Fall Out Boy - Sugar we're Going Down
I went to see Fall Out Boy in concert and this sticks out in my mind because it was the first concert I went to without my mum or dad. I went with a friend and we got driven by someone we knew from work. He drove us up to some gates (that turned out to be the wrong entrance) and the guy took one look at us and said. 'Fallout Boy concert?' and directed us round. We got relatively near the front. When they were singing this song Pete Wentz jumped down to the barrier and was reaching out into the audience. I could almost touch him. It was amazing.Nickelback - Never Gonna Be Alone
This is the song that me and my ex-fiancé chose to be our 'anthem'. Basically because I was in love with him from when we first met in secondary school, but it took him 6 years to say he loved me. So when he finally did we felt like nothing in the world could keep us apart. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be, the less said about that the better. Every time I hear it I tear up a little.Psy - Gangnam Style
This song reminds me of all my amazing university friends, whenever it comes on we get up and dance to it, and I can't hear it without laughing at the memory of our horrible dancing to this song on my birthday. It was literally just me and my best friend on an empty dance floor, doing Gangnam style in front of a bunch of sober people staring at us. Best night ever.¨¨°º©©º°¨¨
Have a read of Alyssia's personal blog here, or her nail blog here and catch her on Twitter as @Alyssia_Rose.
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If you want to join in with Soundtrack To My Life you can complete this form and I'll be in touch when your feature is due to go live. Click on the mix-tape to the right to read all the "Soundtrack To My Life" entries.