Soundtrack To My Life - Bex

Soundtrack To My Life
It is time for Bex to share her Soundtrack To My Life choices today. Amongst her likes are the colour red, rock music (highlighted below), drumstick lollies and things that sparkle.  Her music choices vary greatly which is what I love most about this series.  For now, it's over to Bex...


The Spice Girls - Wannabe 

My parents were never that interested in music when I was young and although they played some, there is nothing that stands out to me as a memory sparking song. The first music I really got into though was the Spice girls and I dove head first into this obsession. I remember singing this song with my friends at birthday sleepovers, and day dreaming about platform boots.

ACDC - Back in Black 

The bloke and I met at Download festival in 2010. We had a lot of friends in common and so were camping in the same area but had never met. The weekend involved copious amounts of alcohol, very little sleep and some amazing bands. Little did I know that I had met the man I would want to spend my life with, the man who would give me two beautiful boys. We stood in a field together, a pint in each hand and sang (well probably shouted) along to this song together.

Muse - Time is Running Out 

As a teen my music taste somewhat improved, and my love of 'real' music developed. Muse were the band I was desperate to see, the one I could play quietly on my portable CD player or blast from my Hi-Fi. They summarised my teenage years and I still play this album several times a week. I love their voices, their music and their lyrics and I can't help but sing along every single time.

The Killers - Mr Brightside 

I bought this album the week before starting university and it will always bring me back to life in halls, freshers week, turning up still drunk to 11am lectures and making friendships that will last a lifetime. Moving away from home was a big thing and the familiarity of music and songs that I knew every single word too helped me settle into the amazing new life I was making for myself

Leona Lewis - Happy 

I got this song stuck in my head when I was pregnant the first time and certain lines really stuck with me. My pregnancy was not planned and was at the very beginning of a new relationship. I was young, unprepared and confused, but I knew that I would do anything for this little person growing inside of me. I wasn't willing to give up my future and I wasn't going to give up my baby. I took the words and used them to feel strong about my decisions. I sung it so much during my pregnancy, that I found singing it to my newborn instantly calmed him, and even now at two years old, it is a song he loves to hear me sing.


Soundtrack To My Life

Visit Bex's blog - The Mummy Adventure - or catch her on Facebook and Twitter.  You can view all previous Soundtrack To My Life entries by clicking on the mix tape to the right.  If you want to participate in 2014 please complete this form and I'll be in touch very soon.